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Arkansas- The Natural State (Pt 1)

After the Louisiana shock, we crossed into Arkansas for a bit more familiar territory. Plenty of outdoor spots to explore, albeit with different characters than in the Rocky Mountain states. Starting off in the privately owned Garvan Woodland Gardens we…

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To the Texas Beach, Baby!

We left off with a brief mention of Pedernales Falls and Reimer Ranch. I have a couple more photos of the small but unique little water holes there. Here's a bit of the rushing rivers of Pedernales Falls: It was…

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Austin. ‘Nuff Said.

Go figure we liked Austin.  I'd expected it to be fun and young like Portland or Boulder, but what surprised both Kate and I was just how active it is. We have a good friend from our Arizona days, Chris,…

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Texas Teaser

Everything's bigger here!  We definitely noticed this when entering the original Six Flags in Arlington.  No pics, but a little taste of what we saw: One family of six carried an entire 24 case of Coca-Cola in the original packaging…

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Oklahoma: Tree Overload!

Eastern Oklahoma brought forests and ticks to us! Before you naysayers explain the claustrophobia inducing dense trees of the east coast, let me remind you that we're coming from Arizona. I've had some experience growing up with evergreens in Colorado,…

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