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Marching through Michigan

By Michigan we've begun to realize how much the Great Lakes have to offer. And we've only seen two! We worked our way up the west side and spent a few days in the Huron-Manistee National Forest. The weather was…

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Minnesota Boundary Waters

We visited quite a bit of Minnesota. Along the coast. Up to Grand Portage National Monument and over to Voyagers. But it seems that I only took pictures of the BWCAW (Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness). I was a bit…

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North Dakota

A bit of a confession: we didn't spend much time in North Dakota. I'd like to say it's because we needed to get to Minnesota so we could canoe the Boundary Waters so that we could then have time to…

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South Dakota: The Black Hills

The black hills are magical. And a bit touristy. Especially on a weekend in the summer. After our regrettably quick exit from the Badlands, Kate was bound and determined to see Bear Country, which is a drive through wildlife safari/sanctuary.…

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The Badlands

Going into South Dakota we only planned a day and a half to hop into the Badlands. It seemed that we'd already seen some in New Mexico and we were sure that the Black Hills would offer more for us.…

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A Whole Post on Kansas!

We took a planned pit stop in Missouri for a week for a nice family reunion. Not really a pit stop as much as a planned milestone. Our trip took a change in scenery and we were feeling a bit…

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