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2017 Finale!

Like any finale, this one will be a bit longer and have more content! We had no idea that Florida would be so much fun to visit. It's notoriously hard to live in a van there because it's so appealing,…

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With fall turning into winter as we continued deeper into the Union, the colors started getting a bit more drab. A perfect time to really soak in the towns that the coal industry has left behind, and approach the amazingly…

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The Virginias

Over the last couple of years we've managed to catch up with our friend Collin more than our own families it seems. He's staying in Virginia Beach while in the Navy and we couldn't have timed it better to meet…

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The Maine Event

Maine was a weird state to cross into. Because we came in from the west side through New Hampshire, we weren't in a very population dense area. Combine that with it being a weekday and us skirting into the national…

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